Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thunder in my heart again

Last couple of weeks an amost unknown phenonemen hit the eastern part of Australia: thunder and rain. I guess I have seen as much rain last week as I have seen all the months before that. It's a bit surreal since in Europe we normally have our fair share of bad weather, tat is certainly something I have to get re-acquainted with. However it also provides some beautiful pictures (credit where credit is due, those are not mine) as you can see on this blog and H E R E.

In the meanwhile I am preparing for the big trip home. Just sent my pasport to the Mongolian Consulate and hope to finalise the booking for the trip soon!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


The whole hiking trip aroused lots of interest, at work, from friends and as a response to my last story. I am really thankful for all the positive reaction! We had lots of talk among the “survivors” and it sure will be something which we won’t forget that easily!

After last weeks excessive training session I went to nearby Queanbeyan, NSW to swim in a river and shower underneath a waterfall! A couple of weeks ago we tried to find the same spot but apparently missed the last sign, ending up at a deserted BBQ spot.

Last Monday Canberra was covered by a thick layer of smoke from nearby bushfires. It looks like lots of clouds, and the only way you figure out it is smoke is through the beautiful reflection of the sun when it sets and a bit because of the scent.

This weekend the multicultural festival starts with a food festival with food from over 140 countries, including the Netherlands, cannot wait to go there!