After viewing the first leg of the game I decided to go to sleep since the weekend proved to be rather exhausting. How different it was when I woke up, it didn't take long to be fully awake. Unbelievable how the are able to screw so many changes and give away a goal against a team that was mixing soccer with footie.
After this poor result (they win every game but against Australia they draw...) my Monday was mainly filled with concessions to all the people I conviced of the superiority of the Orange squad...

This weekend it's time for the real thing, it's going to be a menace that all the games will be broadcasted late eve or during the night. Photo's can be found at the usual spot. Does my car pass the test??
Mooie voiture, Erikje... Sjiek de friemel!
Nou, dat is geen misselijke slee!!!Maar.......wat moet je met een trekhaak?? Ga je daarmee kangaroo's trekken??
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