Thursday, April 05, 2007


Singapore is, besides a city, a sovereign country something you notice when you cross the border at the bridge between Malaysia (Johor Bahru) and Singapore. First the bus stopped at the Malaysian checkpoint where I have to receive a stamp and hand over some paperwork, after which the bus brought us to the other side of the bus where had to do the opposite on Singaporian soil. The visa application clearly stated that carrying drugs can lead to the death penalty...

Singapore itself looks at first sight much different than Kuala Lumpur or Melaka: more organised, cleaner but once you walk around you see the same spirit: shops stalls and hawkers on the street selling their goods.

The temperature is OK but the humidity is far higher (85 per cent, compared to almost nill in Canberra) guess that is what happens when you live so close to the equator (1 degree N)

I spend some time shopping (airconditioning!!) but the prices are not different than what you would pay in Australia or Europe, but it was nice to see some familiar European Stores like Zara (Zaraaaaaaaaaaa) and Mexx. Furthermore I visited the Esplanade and the Changi Museum and Chapel.

Tomorrow I'll head of to a nice tropical island to chill for a couple of days!!

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